
An archipelago pearl


An island gem you should visit every year
You can easily get to Vrångö with the boat from Saltholmen. The unique thing is that you can go all the way from Hammarkullen and all the way to Vrångö on the same ticket! The boat takes about 45 minutes and there is dining on board on some departures. In summer it can be problematic to find parking, often you have to park at Långedrag and then walk or take the tram the last bit to Salthomen.

When you come to Vrångö, most people go to the bay to the south to swim, but there is a lot to explore on the island, such as the flora at the old soccer field on the northern part or the small bathing area north of the boat harbor.

The distinctive nature, natural harbours, rich opportunities for swimming and sightseeing as well as the proximity to Gothenburg have made this reserve one of the most visited in the summertime in the county.

Barren landscape with interesting flora
The island is largely treeless and barren. The soil cover is thin and salt-affected with an interesting flora. At the seashore there are many rare or less common species such as common sea-lavender(Limonium vulgare), wild asparagus, Irish fleabane (Inula salicina), sea wormwood (Artemisia maritima), oyster plant (Mertensia maritima) and sea holly(Eryngium maritimum). The limestone marshes and drylands on shell substrates are also botanically interesting. In several places there are cobblestone fields that mark the ice edge when the land ice melted.

Rich birdlife
The many small islands and skerries make great nesting places for archipelago birds. Beach meadows, marine shallow bottoms, block beaches and cliff shelves are important environments. Gulls  and eiders predominate in number, but black guillemot or tystie (Cepphus grylle), common shelduck (Tadorna tadorna),red-breasted merganser (Mergus serrator), lapwings (Vanellus vanellus), magpies and kestrels also breed here. Nor is it unusual to see seals within the boundaries of the reserve.

The toilet next to the pier of the archipelago boat at Mittvik is open April 15–October 15

Regulations for the public
Parts of the island are nature reserves that are part of the Vrångskärgården nature reserve, and keep in mind that it is not allowed to

  • camp
  • make fire
  • bring an off-leash dog
  • dig up plants
  • mooring or anchoring a houseboat for more than 24 hours other than within an established marina
